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Upcoming Events

WV Band Director Clinic


Event sponsored by Phi Beta Mu and the WV Bandmasters Association site host:  West Virginia University School of Music in the College of Creative Arts and Media The cost will be $25 for Active Band Directors, Free for Collegiate Music Ed, Free for Retired Band Directors Payments can be made to WVBA on Venmo -- TBA Payments by check (made payable to Phi Beta Mu) can also be mailed to: Allen Heath 205 Minuteman Drive  Weston, WV 26452.


Sessions will be given by Mr. Mark Hardman (retired band director), Dr. Jason Gossett (Music Ed-WVU), Dr. Scott Tobias (DoB-WVU), Mr. John Hendricks (retired DoB-WVU), Dr. Phil Vallejo (DoB/O-MU), and Mr. Len Lavelle (Director of Bands at North Hills High School, Pittsburgh PA)


North Central West Virginia Honor Band and Directors Symposium 

The Wesleyan North Central West Virginia Honor Band provides distinguished high school and middle school musicians an opportunity to collaborate in a highly rewarding and meaningful musical experience. Student musicians work with nationally known conductors on music of the highest caliber and perform with other students from the surrounding areas.



All-State Band Audition Dates and Locations

Friday, December 6, 2024

Christ Church United MethodistCharleston, WV


Saturday, December 7, 2024

West Virginia UniversityMorgantown, WV Creative Arts Center


2025 Annual WVMEAIn-Service Conference

The annual WVMEA In-Service Conference is held at the Charleston Coliseum and Conference Center in the spring of each year. It encompasses every segment of the organization and has emerged as a major in-service activity for all teachers, as well as providing unique performance opportunities for gifted students. In addition to workshop sessions on all levels of music instruction from kindergarten through college, several inspiring concerts are held to spotlight the top honors performing organizations and students in the state.

President Victor Iapalucci:

WVBA Constitution  (2019 Revision)


© 2023 by West Virginia Bandmasters Association

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